What do people think about rich and successful people? There are often various legends, speculations and incomprehensible versions about them. Many people are interested in how they became so. Therefore, we tell you 6 myths about this part of society, which achieved fame and money.
What are the 6 myths about rich and successful people?
Everyone is interested in their personality and how they live. What do they do? How do they manage their finances? What assets do they have? All these questions attract the most attention. There are many versions around all this activity. We will look at the most common myths:
1. Successful assets
This is the most common and the biggest myth among all. Many people think that it all happened by chance. In addition, they believe that no effort was put in.
This kind of thinking is a mistake. Most of the rich and successful people have earned their fortune only because of good and competent management. It also happens that some of these successful people come from influential families, but not everyone is so lucky. There are times when people earned everything themselves and got to this level without any help.
2. They have a quiet life
These people may not be constantly worrying about paying off credit card debt, transport and utility bills like the rest of us. But they also don’t have a quiet life. They also spend and invest, there are also worries.
They need to invest and conduct various financial transactions to preserve capital, and make sure it doesn’t shrink, and grows. If they make a mistake and mismanage their accounts, they can go bankrupt. Many people think this can’t happen to them, but there are cases.
3. They don’t worry about taxes
Most of the population believes that rich and successful people do not worry about taxes. Those with high incomes and stable financial situations have to pay higher rates. This depends on the amount of activity they do.
Also, there is another myth – they don’t donate because of compassion. People think it has to do with taxes – that way they get their taxes reduced. Not everyone can be judged the same though.
4. All business is legal
Many people also think that all upper class people have legitimate businesses. In reality, some of them are involved in illegal activities. They may have operations that are against the law. However, this does not apply to everyone.
There have been cases where people have been convicted because of such businesses. Any activity should be legal because it can have consequences in the future.
5. They don’t work
If you think that the rich don’t work or they don’t need to work, you are wrong. This is not true because most do have to work to maintain their status.
Perhaps they don’t have a clear schedule and don’t worry about getting to the office early like regular workers. That doesn’t mean they don’t need to know about their business. The vast majority of them start a business, invest or hand over control to someone and then control and wait.
6. They have their own assets
Everyone is convinced that rich and successful people have a lot of their own assets. These can be houses, aeroplanes, yachts as well as prestigious cars. In some cases, these properties are not bought, but rented. This allows you to save a significant amount of money on repairs or something similar. Some of these assets are not personal belongings, but rented.